Checkr Dispute: Don’t Do It Before Reading This strongly recommends that consumers contact us for a free case review and consultation before initiating any communication with Checkr. If you have been affected by an inaccurate background check, please contact our Complaint Hotline for guidance on your next steps.
Checkr Dispute: You May Not Need to Dispute Your Report
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, if a consumer notices any discrepancy on their Checkr background report, then they can raise a dispute and demand a correction of their background report. The agency that generated an erroneous report by law is obligated to investigate the mistake by contacting the courts and other official record sources in order to correct the error.
However, consumers should keep in mind that certain errors on their Checkr background report should never have occurred in the first place. Checkr is expected to verify critical information upfront, and mistakes of this nature can unnecessarily force consumers to waste time disputing errors. These delays can lead to postponed employment start dates, and in some cases, the correction process may take so long that the employer hires another candidate, resulting in a lost job opportunity even after the report is fixed.
In such cases, the consumer can still hold Checkr accountable without filing a dispute. Certain information on a consumer's background report should be verified directly through the court’s system and accurately reported from the start:
Criminal records must be correctly attributed to the right individual using available personal information, including full name, date of birth, address, Social Security Number (SSN), and other identifying details.
Case status, charge name and disposition should be reported accurately based on official court records, including the dates when the case was filed and resolved. More recent cases may raise concerns for prospective employers.
SSN verification should be conducted for all consumers who have provided their correct Social Security Number and other personal details.
Driver’s license status should be reported accurately based on official records from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
This is essential information that Checkr, as one of the biggest consumer reporting agencies, is required to verify and report correctly even without consumer disputes.
If your report contains information that does not belong to you or has been improperly updated, we recommend filing an FCRA case against Checkr instead of a Checkr dispute. This allows you to seek monetary compensation in addition to having your report corrected.
Checkr Complaint Hotline
Checkr Dispute: When Is It Applicable?
In some instances, a Checkr dispute must be filed when the information in question cannot be verified by Checkr, even if they have strictly followed FCRA compliance guidelines.
A good example of when a dispute may be necessary is if the Checkr background report was generated before the criminal case information was updated. For instance, if a consumer applies for a job while facing an ongoing criminal case, Checkr would report the case as 'pending' since it is still being processed and reviewed by the court. A few months later, if the criminal case is dismissed and closed, Checkr will not automatically update the report since it was generated before the final court decision. Instead, the consumer must file a dispute and request the report to be updated.
Another example is a rideshare driver who moves to a different state and obtains a new license but never informs their employer or Checkr about the change. In this case, Checkr may continue reporting the old license information until the driver files a dispute to update it. After filing a dispute and submitting an updated license to Checkr and the rideshare employer, Checkr must update the report with the new information.
As you can see, instances where a consumer actually needs to file a dispute to update their information are rare. In most cases, if a consumer must file a Checkr dispute to correct mistakes on their background check, their rights have already been violated by the initial inaccurate reporting. While Checkr’s responsibility may be reduced if they eventually correct the error, they are still obligated to compensate you for wasted time and lost income.
How To File a Checkr Dispute?
There are several different ways how you can file a dispute with Checkr, even though we highly recommend not filing disputes on your own without prior consultation with an FCRA paralegal. A dispute can be filed through Checkr’s Candidate Portal or via email -
When filing a dispute, a consumer must provide their full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of their SSN for verification. They should also submit all available evidence to support their claim and assist Checkr in investigating the issue. In some instances, the consumer might be required to contact the court and obtain necessary evidence to prove the inaccuracy of the Checkr’s background report.
Our team monitors Checkr complaints 24/7 and specializes in Checkr disputes and FCRA compensation lawsuits. Our legal assistants can help you draft a strong dispute and obtain necessary evidence from courts and other sources.
Checkr Dispute: What to Do If Your Dispute Remains Unresolved?
Often, even after filing a dispute and providing necessary evidence, Checkr fails to correct the report, instead responding that the initial information was verified as accurate. Failure to conduct a proper investigation and address the issue violates the FCRA - every consumer is entitled to an accurate background check!
Under the FCRA law, Checkr has 30 days to address your dispute, verify the information and respond to you with the results of their investigation and your updated background report. If Checkr fails to correct the errors on your background report, you have the right to take them to federal court to prove that their background check contained false information. Filing a Checkr lawsuit is the only solution for consumers whose disputes were not properly resolved.
Moreover, even if Checkr corrects the mistake on your background report, you may still be entitled to monetary compensation for lost income, emotional distress, and wasted time. We recommend consulting an FCRA paralegal as soon as you notice an issue or discrepancy on your Checkr report before contacting Checkr directly.
If you are a victim of Checkr’s inaccurate reporting, please call our Complaint Hotline
You can also file your Checkr Complaint with us, and our paralegal will contact you after evaluating your case.
DoorDash, Uber Eats, Instacart, Amazon, Grubhub… The delivery workers are being deactivated from their accounts due to the mistakes on their criminal reports produced by Checkr Inc.